As a school community we respect, believe in and encourage our learners (foundation to grade 6) to have input into learning, teaching and the school improvement. Providing opportunities for students to develop a sense of leadership, belonging and connection is integral to providing a learning environment that is engaging, challenging, relevant and significant. Each student is provided with the opportunity feedback to teachers through a mid term check in
F-2 Students
What do you like about school?
What could be better at school?
3-6 students
What is working well for you?
What can be improved?
The feedback is evaluated and where relevant, supports are put in place for individual, small group and learning communities, depending on the feedback.
Our Grade 4-6 students also complete the annual Department of Education Attitudes to School Survey and students also complete a feedback survey to provide teachers with feedback on their teaching.
All data sets are evaluated for the purpose of ongoing school improvement.