Creative Minds

At KDPS we engage our students in authentic Inquiry-based learning program, which we refer to as Creative Minds.

Our students are given the skills and resources to explore, investigate and research topics of interest. The importance of inquiry learning is that students become curious lifelong learners and learn the value of ongoing learning.

Through Creative Minds our students;

  • Develop the students’ ability to pose questions and plan, research, investigate and search for answers and solutions.
  • Develop the skills needed to convert information and answers into useful knowledge that can be applied to new situations and prompt further learning.
  • Provide students with different ways of viewing the world, communicating about it and successfully coping with the questions and issues of daily living.
  • Demonstrate that there are often multiple perspectives for looking at, analysing and understanding things.
  • Encourage students to become independent, resourceful and responsible learners.