We are accepting 2025 enrolments!
Koroit and District Primary School
``I learn, We belong, Together we achieve``
Welcome to Koroit and District Primary School
At KDPS, we provide a stimulating, safe and inclusive teaching and learning environment. Our school motto is ‘I learn, We belong, Together we achieve’, which is embedded into daily practice.
- I learn - focusing on personal growth and development, always trying our personal best and having a go at new learning and experiences.
- We belong - every child is valued and encouraged to succeed in a safe, happy and stimulating environment and going about our day in a respectful way
- Together we achieve - is about working together, sharing our experiences, celebrating our achievements and encouraging each other.
It is widely recognised that student performance is strongly affected by the quality of a school’s learning environment. KDPS is committed to building and maintaining a positive, effective and orderly learning environment.
Our Curriculum
Our curriculum is designed so that every student at KDPS experiences a progressive and targeted curriculum that builds on their previous learnings, equipping them with the knowledge and skills for success in school life.
Extension and Enrichment Programs
Creative Minds
- encourages active engagement
- promotes motivation
- promotes responsibility, independence
- develops creativity and problem solving skills
KDPS is an eSmart school and believes in the teaching of cyber safety and responsible online behaviour is essential in the lives of students and is best taught in partnership between home and school.
We are proud to offer STEAM at KDPS. Each student will participate in the STEAM curriculum component.